Sangam Sharma (♀)
Independent artist and experimental filmmaker

California Sun, 2020
Oil pastel on cardboard (32.5x34cm)

The Loneliness of Everest, 2020
Oil pastel on cardboard (29.75x42cm)

Blau Bergen, 2020
Oil pastel on cardboard (30x40cm)

Bäume im Schnee, 2020
Gesso and oil pastel on canvas (30x40cm)

Das Meer, 2020
Gesso and oil pastel on cardboard (24x43cm)

Into the Trees, 2020
Gesso and oil paint on canvas (27.9x42cm)

Freches Früchtchen, 2020
Oil pastel and oil paint on canvas (18x24cm)

Berg auf Berg, 2020
Oil on Japanese paper and found canvas

Wald mit Sonne, 2020
Gesso and Oil on canvas (40x50cm)

Two sea II Zwei Meer
1. Gesso and oil on jute (24x30cm)
2. Oil on paper (23.5x25cm)

The whale at the world's end, 2020
Oil pastel and oil paint on HDF board (30x40cm)

Tiefseeteufel, 2020
Gesso and oil on canvas (40x50cm)

Prowler (view from below), 2020
Oil on tile (16x30cm)

Grönlandhai, 2021
Oil on canvas (40x30cm)

Arboreal, 2021
Oil on canvas (30x24cm)

Fjord Figur, 2021
Oil on canvas (18x24cm)

In Flammen, 2021
Oil on canvas (30x30cm)

sketches for basecamp, 21
pencils, pastel and charcoal on paper/carton

I am here but perhaps not, 22
pastels on carton

Kamatschatka Krabbe - Pukkellaks - Lupine
Dispenser and oil pastels on carton and paper
Installation View Ada, 23

qeeraq, 24
mixed media, 21x26cm